At this time of year our patios and driveways can start to look a little worse for wear, with the sunshine highlighting any discolouration and weeds taking hold wherever they can.

It can seem like a very time consuming task and one that will need repeating throughout the summer, as the conditions will be perfect for the regrowth of weeds. We have put together a quick guide that can help you to make cleaning your patio and driveway a little easier, with tips on how to make the results last as long as possible.

Remove any weeds

Start by pulling out any weeds that are easy to grab hold of, with an aim to get them from the roots. Use a weeding tool to work on any tougher weeds, making sure to go around all of the edges and between the slabs. 

Pre-wash the surface

Once the weeds have gone, use a pressure washer or a hose and hard bristled brush to remove any debris from the surface of the patio or driveway. This will make it easier to add any cleaning solution to penetrate on the next step.

Use a cleaning solution

Read the instructions of your patio cleaner carefully to make sure that you use the correct amount, especially if it needs a specific ratio to water. Use your brush to work the solution into all areas, being sure to use gloves and goggles if the solution is very strong. 

Clean the area with water

Once you have left the cleaner on for the instructed amount of time, use your pressure washer or hose to clean it off, you should see a big difference in the colour of the slabs straightaway, which will improve further after the area has dried.

Protect the surface

To try and keep your patio or driveway looking cleaner for longer, use a water seal or protector solution which should penetrate deeply to keep away stains, oil and dirt. 

Finish with weed killer

Complete your task with some high quality weed killer around the edges and between any slabs to try and keep them at bay for longer. Going forward, pluck out any weeds as soon as you see them, rather than let them grow and spread.

Post By Kimberley
